» »Unlabelled » Adf.ly with Social Networking Websites

This method is also useful but it will not work for long term. There are two websites I like most if I will be doing this method. Those are of course Facebook and Twitter. Problem is that Facebook has block Adf.ly links and we can’t share or make any comment with Adf.ly links.
But now thats not a problem,because we have got a Method of Posting Adf.ly Links on Facebook. Second is twitter and they allow us to post shorten links without any restriction. So lets talk about both of sites one by one.
1.     Facebook
o    Facebook has a very active detection method in which if you are going to spam in any way, then it will block you from doing that action soon. So try to do some interesting comments some famous pages with Adf.ly shorten link. Also send some messages to any other Facebook users, encourage them to view you link. But don’t do these actions too much, because you will be banned then.
o    Facebook will work greatly with you if you have a Fanpage having lot of fans. You can post updates and put shorten links with it. You will surely get lot of views. Here again, don’t try to put too much links because it may cause your fans to unlike your page.
o    If you can have more than one Facebook Profiles then you can increase the number of comments and messages having shorten links. But watch out, Facebook spam detector is more sensitive for new and unverified profile.
o    Using this method you will views from the very first day. But believe me these views will not be too much to make you happy. Until you have a Fan page having some hundred thousand fans.
2.     Twitter
o    Twitter is a social website having lot of traffic and there are much chances of clicking on any link which you post. Twitter also has a spam protection system, which will detect spam activity and ban you. So keep in mind this, first get lot of followers and then start this activity of tweeting Adf.ly shorten links.
o    If you already have lot of followers then share some thing interesting and give shorten urls with it. Keep in mind that spamming is not helpful in any case. If you spam  you will not receive more than few views, and your account will also be banned. So try to be original and help others. And they will be automatically helping you in earning money.
There are too much other social networking websites where they don’t have much members. So, there you can easily spam. Try to register there and send private messages to members. But I don’t think it will help much. And also you can try Google Plus. I have not tried it yet, but you can test try with it. You can easily post Adf.ly links there in comments or in status update.

عن المدون Ahmed

مدون عربي اهتم بكل ماهوة جديد في عالم التصميم وخاصة منصة بلوجر
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